Crockpot Postpartum

Well, I did it.

I gave away my baby.

My first crockpot, my starter love. That which got me cooking for the first time.

Even though it had no lid, my crockpot never failed me. Imbued with the cooking wisdom of 28 years, she cooked evenly and thoroughly every time.

Today I gave her away to someone in need of a new crockpot, but she will never leave my heart. It feels strange, not having the old crockpot around anymore. Just two young whippersnappers to take her place. Will they stand the test of time?

Did I do the right thing? I posted her on Craigslist in the free section, and many wanted her. The first to respond was a man named Steve. He holds her now, and will take care of her. I hope her heating element will go on–like Celine Dion’s heart.

I will never forget you, crockpot. Fare thee well.

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