Category: love?

  • Religulous Dating

    So here is a sad twist. I finally went on a date with someone this past weekend, and we had a good time. He was a gentleman and sweet, and things were good. I’ve got the whole intimacy issues thing but he managed to go in for the kill and we kissed… a lot. I […]

  • Bachelor #1 WTFery!

    bahahah I just had to share this. Remember my post about Bachelors #1 and #2?   #1 guy just called me! WTF! He said he was calling “to apologize”…. though for what I don’t know! At first he said he was sorry for not calling me sooner, but I really wonder. It’s been over a […]

  • What time is it, Mr. Wolf?

    Yeah, so here’s my update. I went on that date with Mr. Lawyer from POF. He was nice enough I guess, but I didn’t really feel any attraction. He was totally into me though which was nice. We started off with a drink at one place, moved to dinner at another, then finished with Starbucks […]

  • Bachelor #3

    Continuing from the last post, there is indeed a third man. I met him recently on Plenty of Fish (gahh I know) but his email was good, his follow up better, and he was able to chat just fine! Turns out he’s a lawyer and lives nearby. He’s around 30, can carry a conversation and […]

  • He’s just not that into me?

    We all know that I don’t really have much romance going on in my life, but lately it’s been a bit interesting. Allow me to regale you with some tales… Bachelor #1 My bff is so desperate to see me go on a date that she tried to set me up with a guy at […]

  • It won’t leave me alone

    What does it mean when you can’t get the thought of someone out of your head? Does it mean something is wrong with you? Or right with you? Does it signify an unhealthy obsession, or something deeper? As much as I have tried to steel myself against it, Mr. Darcy keeps popping into my head […]

  • Protected: The Secret Post

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Another one bites the dust

    And by bites the dust, I mean another gal I know got married. There’s been a huge spate of marriages and random child-birthings I’ve heard or seen about via Facebook. None are people I was particularly close to but ones I knew well enough to have on FB on the first place. On one hand […]

  • On the subject of online dating

    Yes, I have tried it. For some reason, I continue to try it. Have I had any luck with it? Nope. I really don’t know why I keep going back. Maybe it’s the messages I sometimes receive… they can certainly boost one’s ego now and then. But most of the time the messages are short […]

  • Concert Recap

    Well, the concert is over. As a concert, it was good. As a night, it took a turn for the worse. I thought I did everything right… the night was going ok, BB and I were making smalltalk in between songs about random things. Aside from a few awkward silences it seemed like he was […]