More Free Chocolate Available 🙂

Oh Hai!

Did you miss the first round of the chocolate give-away?

Not to worry, I have some more! 🙂

You can use the old post to sign up, or send me an email!

Rules are:

– Gotta have a Canadian mailing addy/PO Box ( you can be American, you just need the Cdn addy!)
– Gotta write a review on the yumm-o chocolates
– Gotta post that review on your blog & send me the link, -or- email me your review if you don’t have a blog of your own

Easy-peasy! Sign up here!


One response to “More Free Chocolate Available :)”

  1. I’m posting a link to this post on my Facebook account right now. Free chocolate? I’m shocked it didn’t disappear within a milisecond! Can’t wait to get mine…yum yum yum.

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