Category: goals

  • Birthday Money

    So this week is my birthday, but I went home to see my family this weekend so we could do the family birthday thing. I also got to open some presents and cards that family sent over. Now that I’m older I don’t expect or get very much for my birthdays, but my grandparents still…

  • New Year, New Goals?

    It seems a lot of people are laying down their various goals for the year in their blogs. I’ve seen everything from personal finance goals to health, beauty, relationship goals and so forth. It got me thinking: I don’t really do goals. But maybe this is the time to change it? Things in life are…

  • Crockpot Envy

    Since I’ve made the decision to give up JC and cook for myself, I have developed a crush on the newer crock pots with time settings that switch to warm. *girlish sigh* See, I’m not very good at cooking, but I seem to do ok whenever there’s a crockpot involved, so I’ve become fixated on…

  • Bye-bye, JC

    I’ve decided to stop doing Jenny Craig for a while. There are 2 reasons for this: The food sucks I simply cannot afford to particiapte anymore, at $50-65/week minimum. I don’t know where all my money seems to be going these days, but it’s becoming obvious that I need to cut back in some areas.…

  • Money Goals, Networth, Etc.

    Emergency Fund Goal: $6,000 Current: $2,162.18 Rainy Day/Condo Fund Goal: $5,000 Current: $163.54 Fun & Travel Fund Goal: $5,000 Current: $50 Wedding Fund Goal: $5,000 Current: $2,512.74 ————— This post written by Ginger at Ginger Won’t Snap. Like what you read? subscribe here!

  • Ginger Sets a Budget?

    This blog started out as a personal finance blog, and lately I feel as though I have been drifting away from that topic, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s time to get back to my roots! In a lot of the blogs I read, the bloggers challenge themselves yearly, monthly and sometimes even…

  • A Financial Reckoning

    So I’ve been whinging on here lately that I don’t know where all my money is going, my savings are depleting, yadda yadda. Well tonight I finally sat down and took stock of everything. I’ve had to reevaluate some things and cut others out completely, but I think I have a plan in place now…

  • The Ways of Frugality

    So earlier today I wrote about how I let my credit card get away from me recently… Now I’m not in debt and never have been, but I have certainly seen some lean times which cause me to go into saving mode. My recent stupid actions have pushed me into that saving mentality again. When…

  • Money Goals Update

    So umm, I’ve not been doing too well lately with money. I’ve incurred a lot of expenses for various things (NIN tickets, train tickets to Ottawa, T’s bachelorette, clothes) lately, and have jumped back on the diet bandwagon, so that spending has gone up as well. Although… I’ve just updated my progress bars, and things…