Category: organization

  • Financial Update

    I’ve just updated my tracking bars on the side and have also decided to make a few changes. Primarily, I’ve decided that right now is just not a good time to buy a Vespa, what with the economy the way it is and the chance that I might lose my job. It would involve large…

  • The Ways of Frugality

    So earlier today I wrote about how I let my credit card get away from me recently… Now I’m not in debt and never have been, but I have certainly seen some lean times which cause me to go into saving mode. My recent stupid actions have pushed me into that saving mentality again. When…

  • Money Goals Update

    So umm, I’ve not been doing too well lately with money. I’ve incurred a lot of expenses for various things (NIN tickets, train tickets to Ottawa, T’s bachelorette, clothes) lately, and have jumped back on the diet bandwagon, so that spending has gone up as well. Although… I’ve just updated my progress bars, and things…

  • How do you process information?

    I love being organized, and organizing. I think if I really tried, I could be a professional organizer. I stumbled across this awesome blog: The Unclutterer. Right now there’s a great post about learning about how you process information, and how you can apply that knowledge to organizing your life. Check it out and let…