As Promised…

Here’s for another money post! I’m working on another Going Green post and some product reviews (product junkie, right here, everyone!) to post in the future, as well as one about the new Jenny Craig diet I’ve just started.

But first, I wanted to do an update on my personal finances, and the Bridesmaid Costs as well.

Personal Finances

…Are not looking too hot right now. The reason for this is that I am a goofus and moved my money around without thinking it through.

I moved $4k from my Condo Downpayment Fund and into my RRSP. The reason for this is that
1) It can earn just as much more more (tax-sheltered) interest in my RRSP being handled by a senior VP investment advisor,
2) It reduces my income for 2007, and increases my tax refund
3) I can use the Canadian homebuyer’s plan and borrow the money back from my RRSP in the future, so essentially it still IS going towards my condo. It’s just also going towards my retirement now, too 😉

The only problem with this scenario now is that I don’t have that $4k as liquid in my accounts anymore. And I was stupid and forgot I had all my monthly expenses and a big MasterCard bill coming up. Bad Ginger, bad! I ended up having to transfer money out of Travel & Entertainment in order to cover everything and maintain a decent float in my chequing account.

OMGWTFBBQ?!? I’m looking at my account now, and I just got paid… but it looks like this deposit and the last one are mysteriously LESS than they should be! WTF? This month is not turning out in favour of money! I’m pissed!

You see, there are a few things you just don’t want to mess with me on. The first being my family and friends, the second being my money. I’ve been learning Tiger form in kung fu and let me tell you I am ready to use my skull-smasher on someone right now. Or possibly rip their eyes out. And eat them.

On the brighter side of things, all my other savings accounts are growing steadily, and I’ve found some ways to save money for T’s wedding. Onto…

Bridesmaid Costs

Dress & alterations: $300
Shoes: $101.70 (Alber by Nine West)—>
Pedi & Mani: $70
Hair: $50
Makeup: $30
Wedding Gift Part 2: $100
Housegift: $25
Travel Costs: $25
Incidentals: $50

Stag & Doe
Incidentals: $50
Drink “Donations”: $15
Travel Costs: $25

Bridal Shower
Wedding Gift Part 1: $100
Incidentals: $50
Travel Costs: $25

Activities: $75
Bridal Contribution: $25
Travel Costs: A big fat zero!

Grand total: $1,116.70

So there you have it! Even with my generous estimates I will be able to cut $438.30 out of my budget, and I expect it to go down even further.

Here’s what happened: The major cost (aside from the actual wedding) would have been the bachelorette. We were going to go down to Niagara Falls and whoop it up with a hotel suite, male stripclub, indoor skydiving and day at the spa. Until half of the invitees flaked out (They knew it was going to be expensive from the get-go, they should have piped up before we planned the whole damn thing, but that’s another rant).

So the 3 of us most-dedicated bridesmaids got on ye olde MSN and devised a new plan of action, because let’s face it: When good old Ginger laid out the costs of the proposed activities they both agreed that it was a little excessive, especially since we would have to add the bride’s cost on top.
Needless to say, it has now moved to merry Toronto, and everyone will be staying at my place downtown, or some will stay with another bridesmaid in Newmarket. We’re going to look at some activities to do, but will probably end up going to a couple of pubs and possibly a club, and maybe dressing up silly or trampy and playing games. A much cheaper night for all involved, and I won’t have to drive 3 hours to get there! Yay! And my penis mints will come in handy.

I am also saving money by carpooling with M, another maid, and possibly staying with her in P-Town the night of the wedding (hence the housegift). I also got a better idea of what it costs to have your hair and makeup done in a small town. Much cheaper than the big city.

I’m going to try and save more by cutting back on food and alcohol costs for myself, and I may even flake out on the stag & doe if my pocketbook can’t handle it. Of course I’d rather be there, but it’s a lot of money and I wonder if it’s worth it. I don’t think T would really mind if I did it at someone else’s event, but I don’t think I’ll mention to her that it would be her event…

Anyway, I think that’s all I should include in this post… it is getting rather long. Like I said, I’ve got plenty of blog fodder and my wonderful skills of One-Sided Conversation to help me create some content.

Stay tuned, folks!


2 responses to “As Promised…”

  1. Holy cow! A lot of cash is right!! You must really love that bride. 😉

    If you DO have a wild bachelorette party, make sure you come back and tell us all about it. 😉

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