April Budget Challenge Update + May Goals

Well, it’s the closing of the month and the beginning of another, what a great time for an update on challenges!

As you know, I’ve been participating in Krystal’s April budget challenge. I challenged myself not to spend more than $60 in the month on beauty products.

For me, this includes things like shampoo, hair products, makeup products, toothpaste, nail polishes, lotions & potions, and also going to the spa. I’m a bit of a spa snob and love going for little pick-me-ups usually once a month. This month I was able to abstain and save myself probably $60. Go me!

So out of the $60 I allowed myself, I spent a mere $35.95, or 60% of my budget. I always knew that I could do this, but I’m still happy to know that I achieved it without difficulty.

FB at Fabulously Broke is challenging herself to become a little “greener” for the month of May. I think this is a very admirable goal! I’d like to participate in it, but now that I think about it—I’m already pretty good in that area.

I think for May, I will do another financial challenge for myself. Because there are several expenses coming up that I must acknowledge, I can’t do a no-spend month. I think I will challenge myself in a “softer” fashion and make an effort to spend less overall, and to make better choices as to where I do spend. I will also try and stick to my JC foods more; I’ve had a couple of no-loss weeks due to indulgences, so I need to be more vigilant.

I also want to save more. I have decided to get myself a little Vespa scooter, but after visiting the dealership and speaking with my dad, I just can’t afford to spend $7000 cash at the moment. This has lead me to feel that I am just not saving enough in general, so I will challenge myself to figure out my fixed monthly expenditures and work out a new savings plan. I’ll give you guys an update on the Vespa decision later 😉


My new monthly goals are as follows:
· Track spending in order to spend less
· Stay on track with Jenny Craig
· Revisit current saving plans & work out set monthly expenditures

I think that’s a fair list. So, what challenges are you folks up to this month? I know it’s a popular thing to do in the Blogosphere!


One response to “April Budget Challenge Update + May Goals”

  1. I always challenge myself to have a certain number of no spend and no drive days… plus going a whole year without buying books or magazines!!!

    Good luck with your goals 🙂 And I can’t wait to hear more about the Vespa!!

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