Falling off the Bandwagon

Oh man I am having some struggles, folks!

I’m afraid I’m going to fall off the JC bandwagon today… lately I’ve just been wanting to eat and eat for no particular reason, and nothing is really satisfying me. Hellllppp! I don’t know what to do!

I can’t tell whether it’s a craving or boredom that’s got me. Grrr stupid diets!

How do you keep your mind off eating when that’s all you want to do!?

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3 responses to “Falling off the Bandwagon”

  1. Crap, yeah we need to get you out of that mindset – and fast! you might have fallen off already, but if not, try getting things like carrots and rice cakes or something in front of you 🙂

    or fruit, or something…man, i don’t know. i hope it all works out though!

  2. I am not sure what you can eat, but definitely try to find something full of fiber.

    When I’m hungry at night and don’t want to eat, I fix either a cup of decaf coffee or some herbal tea. They have the yummiest kinds out now… it’s healthy for us too (the tea anyway)

    Good luck!!!

  3. I find that I eat when I’m bored (or watching TV without doing something on the side). So try to keep busy.

    Also, I heard from a few sources that drinking water helps. Something about thirsty going with hunger.

    Good luck!

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