Financial Update

So, I’ve updated my progress bars to the right, there.

I’ve made a couple of stupid moves lately, so I’m in money-saving mode right now. I’m not in debt and probably never will be, but right now I feel as though I haven’t been diligent enough in managing my money. Bad Ginger!

Anyway, since I have automatic withdrawls set up, most of my goal funds have gone up by about 1% with the exception of the Emergency Fund, because of the whole RRSP mistake earlier. It’s looking pretty sad right now, but at least I know it works! I had to use some money from the Emergency Fund to get me out of a pickle. Now I just need to focus on beefing it up.

I think I’ll get around $2000 for my tax return, so it’s probably wise to push it back in the Emergency Fund so I’m prepared for more stupid mistakes in the future.

I’ve also opened an HSBC high interest savings account…though I can’t exactly remember why I did it. I think I was trying to difersify because after all, I don’t want to keep all my eggs in one basket!

I think that since I’ll most likely be moving soon, I’ll start building the HSBC account up for that. (Roomie is getting transferred to Vancouver for work so I need a new roommate and possibly a new place. Ugh.).

I get paid next week which will make all my accounts happier, and I also managed to sell a few items from my wardrobe on eBay. I didn’t make much, but it’s better than nothing! Right now I’m decluttering, so if I find some sale-worthy things I will either sell them on Craigslist for free, or just throw them in the garage sale my parents will be having soon.

There we have it. I’m glad I wrote this post because it shows me that I’m not in as bad a place as I thought I was, and it has also helped me solidify some of my plans! Money, ho!

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3 responses to “Financial Update”

  1. $2,000 into your Emergency Fund? Sexiest thing you can do w/ that money 🙂

    did the same, and it feels good looking at that every morning when i log in to my bank accounts!

  2. That is a nice big refund you are getting 🙂

    I wonder what HSBC’s interest rates will be when the promo rate expires next month…

  3. CS: I’m guessing they’ll be back down around 3.3% since the prime rate has gone down.

    All the other banks are in that range. Sucks for us savers, but it’s great for the borrowers!

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