SATC Pre-Screening

This week did not have a good start to it. Yesterday morning I twisted my ankle getting out of the streetcar, I was unable to “get my groove on” at work to get things done, and my internet poops out for the SECOND time in 3 days, requiring a second tech to come out and fool around with the wiring again.

I’m hoping the rest of the week will be better than Monday was.

So far this week I’m going to get my eyes scanned again since I may need the laser surgery again which means a half day at work today, but I do get a free lunch thanks to a training session.

I’ve also got a rep lunch on Friday which is immediately after…

My pre-screening of Sex and the City at 9:30am on Friday!!!!

Ahahah! Sorry guys, I just had to rub it in for all those North American SATC fans out there! Our Cineplex reps have reserved a theatre for us to watch the movie before anyone else in Canada. Heheh it’s caused quite an uproar in the office! Not all the bosses are letting their staff go, but my team is made up of chicks, so we’re all going ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, I just thought I’d share.

I probably won’t be able to post much over the next week… like I said, stupid Communications Company has pooped out at my house so I don’t have the internet. Booo.

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4 responses to “SATC Pre-Screening”

  1. Lucky you! My friends and I are planning to catch the movie this weekend.

    Hope you get your internet back. I hate being without internet.

  2. Oh you lucky.. lucky.. little ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tell us it’s fab but don’t tell us everything k? ๐Ÿ˜€

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