
Have I ever fully expressed my love for Domino’s Pizza?

Probably not. But I love the stuff, even when it doesn’t love me.

I’m feeling lazy and somewhat ill, so I ordered in tonight. I probably shouldn’t have done this because of the expense, and also because of my stomach.
I was complaining a couple of weeks ago about the severe stomach pains I was experiencing. Well, I’ve gone and had my bloodwork done (I was battling a virus apparently) and also my abdominal ultrasound (awaiting results) and I have a doctor’s appointment again on Monday.

The first doc gave me a drug, Pantaloc which so far has kept the owwies away.

That is assuming I take it. Two days I have missed, and each day my tummy started acting up again. Yesterday was one of them, and today (even with the pill) I’ve been feeling it, too. This cannot bode well for Ginger. I guess I should start taking some ginger to help settle my gut a little. How easy one forgets what she is named after!
I think most of the irritation is due to stress, so I’ve been trying to de-stress myself as much as possible. I bought some lavender oil today for a little aromatherapy, and I’ve been drinking delicious teas in place of coffee. I really should be at the gym or kung fu, (that’s where I should be right now, rather than writing this) but my stomach is very distracting. My face also has a horrible breakout and I don’t want people to see me sans maquillage. *sigh*

2 responses to “Pizzalicious”

  1. do you wanna know why i LOVE Dominos? no? well too bad 😉

    I like starting at their “pizza tracker” thingie online!!! it’s especially funny when it gives you the names of who’s making the pizza, and then boxing it up, and then delivering it! haha….

    i sometimes wonder if it’s all just made up to appease people like me. and i don’t really care to be honest, as long as i get my pizza 🙂

  2. J Money– lucky you! We don’t even have online ordering at Domino’s in Canada yet!

    It’s like the only place that doesn’t do it and it’s frustrating! lol

    My local place is so inept. One time they sent me a pizza without any cheese on it. I called back to ask for another one and the manager was hell bent on having me identify the guy who took my order. Poor schmuck. I told him I didn’t care who screwed up, just send me the proper pizza!

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