Urrgh Stomach Upsets

I’ve gone home halfway through work for the past two days due to some seriously painful stomach aches and migraines.

It has not been a good week for me!

My stomach was hurting so much today that I called my mom on the way home and begged her to pick me up from Toronto and bring me home. I nearly cried. I told her that it felt like the inside of my stomach was inflamed and she said I probably had gastritis. She had it when she was my age too, and it’s basically the inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Joy.

I tried to call my Dr. to get in and get some medication for it and a proper diagnosis (mom is only a nurse) but I didn’t get a call back until 5pm :S And I couldn’t get in at a walk-in clinic, either.

Stupid health system. Normally I think it’s awesome being free and all, but I needed some medical attention and couldn’t get it anywhere. Even if I went to the ER I would have had to wait in agony for 8 hours. And trust me, Pepto and Tums just weren’t cutting it.

Long story short, mommy picked me up and whisked me home, and we called the office she works at and I got in at 2:30. The Dr. thinks I probably do have gastritis, but now I also have to get bloodwork and an ultrasound done in case it’s something else, like gallstones. Awesome. I’m going to have to follow up with my regular doc, too.

All this for an (intense) tummy ache.

They gave me some sort of super strong acid inhibitor thingy, to turn the acid pumps off inside my stomach. It’s helping a little but even now I’m still getting pangs. Ugggh.

The only upside to all this? I got a ride home and spent the afternoon cuddling with my kitties, and my girl Mocha sat on my lap for the first time ever!!! Soooo thrilled! She’s finally a lap cat! Mr. T has been really friendly today, too. I think they can tell something’s wrong with me.

*sigh* I love my kitties.

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4 responses to “Urrgh Stomach Upsets”

  1. My cat knows when somethings wrong too. It’s awfully nice when they schnuggle if they aren’t normally schnugglers.

    I really hope you feel better soon!

    Saw your comment on the McD’s thing on Smart Canucks – you go girl! It sure is an embarrassing thing, for any business!

  2. Oh I hope you feel better soon!! Any type of gastric discomfort is no fun at all ๐Ÿ™

    Take care!

  3. ewwwww, yeah not cool at all ๐Ÿ™ perhaps you’re back to normal now though?! i surely hope so ๐Ÿ™‚

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