Birthday Money

So this week is my birthday, but I went home to see my family this weekend so we could do the family birthday thing.

I also got to open some presents and cards that family sent over. Now that I’m older I don’t expect or get very much for my birthdays, but my grandparents still send me a little bit of money which is really great– While I make enough money to pay my bills and live comfortably, I don’t really have enough to buy a lot of fun and frivolous stuff.

This year, my grandparents (combined) and the GST cheque I just received (yay!) netted me just over $200. I decided to take that money plus some Christmas money and use it the way it is intended: to purchase myself something I would enjoy.

Sure, I could have thrown it at my savings account, paid a bill or put it in my RRSP, but I felt that since it was meant to be a gift (and since I’m still able to pay all my bills on my own) that I should get something cool with it.

So I bought a new iPod ๐Ÿ™‚

I figured that it would be ok for me to get this since I’ve been planning on getting one for a while, they were on sale, and it would fit the gift intent of my grandparents.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to buy a Vespa scooter this year (which I have been saving for and really really wanted!) with the way the economy is, so I opted for something smaller that does not involve ongoing spending. *sigh* I really wish I could have gotten the Vespa though, but I just can’t risk it.

Hopefully I made the right choice. Now I’ve got an iPod and a pretty fat savings account for something else.

I guess I’ll have to update my sidebars soon, but I don’t know what I should call the old Vespa goal now!

Oh, and if you’re looking to save some money, don’t forget to enter my draw for 3 free cases of FUZE!

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2 responses to “Birthday Money”

  1. Thanks FB!
    The official day is tomorrow but due to scheduling I had to start a little bit sooner!

    I already have a sexy Nano but wanted to upgrade so I got a 120GB iPod Classic in black ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s great so far, it holds 30 times the amount my Nano did!

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