Tuesday Secrets

Sometimes I spend a lot of time looking at photos of myself.

Not because I’m narcissistic or full of myself.

Because I wonder how other people see me. And I wonder if I really am as ugly as I feel?

I mean, there’s got to be something wrong with me, no one ever seems to want me.

What’s your secret?


7 responses to “Tuesday Secrets”

  1. oh honey, you couldn’t have written this on a better day. or worse day. i’m not sure.

    i’m being somewhat ignored by my long distance boyfriend in the last few weeks and instantly my mind goes to “we’re done” and “i’m not good enough for him”. and i’m a pretty confident person in life, but not in love.

    i hear you about the no one ever wants me thing. except i hate pictures of me. the thing i do is look at acquaintances or random funny looking people i see with wedding rings and i go “how the F can they find someone? what is wrong with me?” i mean, i have some pretty no great friends (that wasnt meant to be as harsh as it sounds) and i think i’m not half bad, i’ve got alot going for me. i’m fit, i’m pretty funny, i’m not too mental in relationships, i have a good job, own my own new house, and am not a total dog… so wtf?

    my only consolation is knowing that i’m not settling for some of the douchebags i’ve dated previously. there’s ALOT of them out there. most of my friends have settled for total duds, some of them are even divorced before 30. so, i like to think that its better to be alone and happy than together and miserable. thats what single people are supposed to tell themselves, right?

    i can tell you one thing, i only know you from your blog, but you ain’t ugly. you got alot going for you. you just gotta stop falling for the douchebags. (apparently thats the term of the day). maybe thats just me.

  2. You are beautiful! You’re smart, talented, funny, you’ve got a great personality and you are young – and yes, I’m gathering all of that from your blog so I can only imagine how much more awesomer (love the grammar there or what?) you are in real life.

    I hate pictures of myself too. I’m not that bad looking, I don’t think, but I’m so not photogenic.

    My secret?

    It’s a secret.

    Hehe. Sorry – I kept this window open for what felt like forever and even contemplated posting as Anon but just don’t have any secrets that are shareable on the interweb…I like this new ‘feature’ though and hope it sticks around!

  3. Girl, I have met you ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I can safely say that you are NOT ugly.. but it’s just that you’re a kind of an individual that isn’t bland or boring, so you’re not going to want to meet or be with a bland, super jock, boring individual. (who does?)

    You’ll find him sooner or later. You’ve got plenty of years ahead of you. I didn’t meet BF until I was 24 or 25.

    I actually like pictures of myself because I can remember the moment I was being happy in them.

    A secret..secret…. Is it a secret that I am in love with necklaces, and I just bought another one? ๐Ÿ˜›

    Fabulously Broke in the City

    Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver.

  4. Thanks for the pep talk, ladies.

    Luckily I don’t have any issues with falling for douchebags. The good thing about never having a boyfriend is that I’ve never had a guy who was a douchebag.

    That’s the thing that bugs me the most, though. I’ve hardly ever been asked out and never have had a boyfriend; it’s like I’m not worth even the effort of asking me out.

    Now I’m at an age where my friends are getting married and I’m so far behind that it scares me. Deeply. I just don’t know what to do and I feel like a retard, in every sense of the word.

  5. Before the BF came along I was often told that people thought I had one….I apparently gave off a strong “hands off” vibe, lol.

    What I’m getting at is that your problem probably isn’t that no one’s attracted to you, or that you’re fugly. Two commenters have already said you’re beautiful! (I don’t remember seeing a picture of you here, so sorry!)Maybe its just the vibes you’re giving off? I don’t know you in person, nor do I know much about dating and men though, so you might not want to listen to me. lol.

    My secret? I don’t always like having my picture taken, but I secretly log into facebook right after parties to see if I’ve been tagged in any. I get slightly sad if I find I’m not in an album.

    Oh, and this isn’t really much of a “secret”, but I like checking myself out in windows instead of mirrors. They make me look better, lol.

  6. I hate pictures of myself. So much that I try & avoid them as much as possible. & when I do look back on pictures of myself, I often find myself deleting them off my hard drive ๐Ÿ™

    Having never met you I can only say that you come off as a very beautiful and talented person the way you present yourself on this blog.

    I agree with what somebody else said above. Perhaps people think you're already in a relationship. That's certainly what my current bf thought & he waited a year before asking me out. & I've never been asked out except for the one or two times in my life so I know the feeling of thinking there's something wrong with you. I seriously have spent nights crying thinking there was something wrong with me. & what's worse is I am pretty anitsocial in person & really shy when I meet people for the first time. I wish I could tell you it goes away when you're in a relationship but it certainly hasn't w/ me.

    & you are still young. I know lots of people that didn't meet their significant other till much later on in life. Sure people are getting married now but I am sure there are lots of people around you that won't be getting married till much later in life. It's different for everybody. I think we focus on what what want to see. For everybody that's settled down, you can probably think of somebody that hasn't. I certainly can.

    My secret ties into this comment & it's that I am in a relationship but have no idea where it's going (i.e. marriage or what?) & especially when I feel like I am ready to settle down. Being with somebody not on the same page is hard. I have fears of whether I'll find somebody else, whether I should wait this out because I really do heart the bf or just cut loose and try to deal with it.

  7. Ok, so if I give off “don’t touch me” or “taken” vibes, how do I change that into “If you’re not a creep please ask me out!” vibes?

    I used to be approached by people (usually tourists, etc.) for help or directions all the time… but now not so much. I must be giving off bad vibes, but how do you know whether you’re sending the right ones or not? Do I need to change my hairstyle or something?

    I’m totally clueless.

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