Car Follow-Up

Well, I went home and visited my folks last night.

I started to discuss the idea of taking the car with my dad and boy oh boy did he start throwing out the reasons I should NOT take it.

I think we spent an hour going back and forth, discussing the pros and cons of having a car at this stage in my life. My dad really thinks it’s a bad idea but would still sell it to me for a song if I was insistent.

Just for the record, I was under the impression that they wanted me to take the car off their hands. Oops, looks like mom did some gum-flapping without consulting dad first. I’ll bet you they had a little talk after I left last night. Mom later mentioned that she regretted telling me about the car being for sale. I was kind of upset that she told me too since it got my hopes up.

My dad and I both had some convincing arguments, but ultimately I have to side with reason on this and have decided not to take the car. Reason being is that it truly is a bad time in the economy right now, and there’s still a chance that I may lose my job in the next few years.

Do I really want to be saddled with an old beater of a car if I lose my job? I didn’t get a raise due to a salary freeze and therefore will not have additional income to cover the insurance payments, gas and maintenance. The average cost of owning a car is just too high for me right now; especially if I want to do other things like travel, take courses and have fun in general.

Just because I CAN, doesn’t mean I SHOULD, right? It would just be too much strain and risk to take on when I really don’t NEED a car. It was really just a WANT. Toronto Transit is pretty awesome for getting around the city, especially since I work and live right by multiple TTC lines, so I really don’t have a defined need for a car, other than additional convenience and status.

I really wish I had one though. Or at least a Vespa. *sigh* maybe in a few more years…

At least in the meantime it means I can purchase a few smaller things I’ve had my eyes on. Instant gratification and all that.

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2 responses to “Car Follow-Up”

  1. A set of Rume bags! (

    I’m tired of my mis-matched and branded reusable bags so I’m getting a cute set that fits in my purse instead. This way I can shop on the fly, and I’m sure my mom will appreciate some more reusable bags! 😀

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