Tuesday Secrets Redux

There’s this guy at kung fu that I sort of liked for a while. Just a geeky guy, but nice enough.

He invited me out to some PR social event thing, but left me hanging, talking to all of his friends and not to me. I don’t know if it was a date or what, but I was not impressed. He never followed up.

A week later he told me he met a girl that week–trying to get a reaction out of me or something?

Anyway, I saw some photos of his new girlfriend on facebook.

U.G.L.Y. as sin. This is the first time I’ve ever sat back and said “WOW. I am SO much better looking than her” and meant it.

This is a small triumph, considering my low self-esteem and self-image. I usually feel awful when comparing myself to others.

Poor ugly girl needs a face transplant.

What secret will you share with me today?

3 responses to “Tuesday Secrets Redux”

  1. haaaaaaaahahahaha
    good for you! yeah its weird when they go for the ugly ones. i guess its good, because ugly girls need love too, but it just makes you go “dude, seriously? are you that desperate?”
    maybe she’s a really good person.

    see now i feel like a bad person. hmmm..

  2. *murfle* Heeheehee. Maybe he was trying to get you jealous?? LOL Nice esteem booster though, eh?

    Guys are effed up.

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