Tuesday Secrets

I believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny until I was 12 years old and found hidden presents labelled “To Ginger, from Santa” in the basement weeks before Christmas.

A small, hopeful and innocent part of me died that day and I mourned it. I still wish I believed.

What secret will you share with me today?

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4 responses to “Tuesday Secrets”

  1. Secrets huh, I think I was 4 when this happened. The neighbor boy was throwing clumps of dirt at his bedroom window, I dared him to throw a rock. I don’t think I had a great grasp of physics at the time. Needless to say the rock shattered the window, when my mom asked if I had anything to do with it I said no!

  2. I never understood the Easter Bunny, but yes, I did believe in Santa though. I remember in third grade we had this big debate while the teacher had stepped away in which the class ended up splitting in three: the believers, the non-believers, and the rest of us stuck in between. Its kind of funny looking back now, but I remember how strongly each group felt!! The rest of us were torn, the non-believers had a point, but we still wanted to believe!!

    Not much of a secret, but that just brought back a mess of memories. =]

  3. haha….i believed until i was 14!!

    As for secrets – in elementary school i once stole some pencils and “micro-machines” and for 3 years every time i heard the phone rang in my house i thought someone was calling to report me! i could hav sworn i was going to jail 😉

    that was the last time i stole anything…

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