Tuesday Secrets

With great intelligence comes great responsibility.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming.

I would totally trade some of my intelligence, “gifted” and Mensa status for less responsibility and a happier life.

I don’t think being considered highly intelligent is worth the misery it brings.

What secret will you share with me today?

Anonymous comments welcomed. This is a weekly feature! Email me your secret and I will post it anonymously in Tuesday Secrets.

One response to “Tuesday Secrets”

  1. My secret? I love, love, LOVE fast food. I preach to my students all the time about healthy eating and being careful about what you put in your body, and I never let friends catch me with an empty Wendy’s bag…but I love hitting the drive-through! Today I polished off a delicious Filet-o-Fish, fries, and a huge coke.

    So it’s my secret hypocrisy I guess….

    PS – I love your blog! 🙂

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