Putting Things In Perspective

It seems that my Tuesday Secrets post (that I accidentally put up on Monday!) has hit home with a lot of people.

I had no idea that so many others felt the same way I do, and it got me thinking.

From the comments, it seems that a lot of us harbour regrets about either doing or NOT doing something in or with our lives. We feel inadequate, lazy, useless.

TeacHer suggested that we get our friends to list all the great things we have accomplished, to help remind us that we have come a long way, and to put things in perspective.

I’m going to run with that, but ask YOU to share with us one or several of your accomplishments. The idea is to get talking about ourselves, to see that we really do contribute and have done some incredible things in our lives, even if we don’t always think about it.

Sure, there’s a long way to go in life, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the hurdles we have overcome, and take pride in what we have accomplished so far.

To that end, I have decided to host the very first Carnival of Accomplishments here at GWS.

I would be so happy if you could share with the world something that you have “accomplished,” anything that you feel proud of for one reason or another. It could be having a child, completing high school (even just barely!) climbing a mountain, overcoming depression, giving a presentation, finally painting your nails without any mistakes! Anything from the grand to the mundane.

Give us some backstory on it so we can fully appreciate your accomplishment(s) and cheer you on as you continue to accomplish some fabulous things in your life.

I know it can be tough to talk about yourself, to feel as though you’re bragging or swelling your head size, but this carnival gives you license to celebrate those little things you have done in your life that have contributed to who you are as a person.

So come on folks, share your accomplishments with us!


3 responses to “Putting Things In Perspective”

  1. Aw, what a wonderful, supportive idea. THanks for initiating this! It’s been a tough week and it’s good to be kind to each other, as well as ourselves.

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