The Road to Hell

…Is paved with good intentions!

I intended to write a ton of posts this weekend and totally shirked my duties. I really had planned to sit down and do them this afternoon… but then life got in the way.

This afternoon I tried out a crockpot lasagna recipe from A Year of Crockpotting, hoping to have it for dinner tonight and also for a few lunches this week. It was quite a big project for a single gal like me, and my roommate wasn’t even going to be home to help me eat it!

What’s a gal to do?

I’ll tell you what I did. I posted a note on my Facebook status and invited a couple of new friends of mine to help me eat the lasagna–and would you believe it, they actually came over! Impromptu dinner party FTW!

I must say my social life has been rather full of late, which is just what the doctor ordered! I actually didn’t have anything planned this weekend and ended up feeling pretty lonely, so I was stoked when my new friends actually said they would come. Totally thrilled.

They even came on time and brought some mixers! How thoughtful! ๐Ÿ™‚

We ended up having a great time together, drinking and chatting and we ate the WHOLE CROCK of lasagna. I swear it must have been 5 pounds of food in there. But it turned out amazing, so I will totally make it again! I snuck in lots of veggies and cheese and used whole wheat pasta, too!

And I made some rice pudding from scratch for dessert, too ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m really pleased that this happened. Usually there is so much planning and hopes hanging when I try to get together with someone that it ends up being more stress than anything. So many people are so nonchalant about things these days, and totally unreliable. It was so refreshing and touching that we were able to get together at the last minute and share this time together. It makes me feel hopeful that I’m finally getting this whole “socializing” thing right.

We’re a motley crew but I hope I will be able to hang out with them a lot more, and not just at our monthly get-togethers! (For the curious few, I met them at a monthly Pagan coffee meet I have been going to recently).

It’s so nice to have a connection with people again. It feeds the soul and exercises the mind.

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One response to “The Road to Hell”

  1. mmmm… Rina it was SO tasty! And I just set it and forgot about it.

    I meant to take photos but my friends came over and suddenly it was all eaten up! (It looked a lot better than the photo on the AYCP site)

    I think I may make it again this weekend for my family and I’ll post some photos. I’m salivating just thinking about it. I don’t think it was overly-expensive, either.

    Maybe more than a pre-made one, but certainly tastier and a lot healthier, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

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