Tuesday Secrets

Last week I was getting onto a streetcar to head home when the guy in front of me on the steps stopped abruptly. He was wearing some kind of messenger bag and my face scraped right up against it.

I thought nothing of it, but when I got home and saw my face I realized that the rough bag had scraped a pimple on my chin and caused it to bleed. I had a lovely dot of blood on my chin the whole way home.

Thanks, TTC guy.

What secret will you share with me today?

Anonymous comments welcomed. Email me your secret and I will post in anonymously in Tuesday Secrets in the coming weeks.

2 responses to “Tuesday Secrets”

  1. Not so much a secret as it is embarrassing, but one morning I got dressed in a hurry and pulled out the first shirt I found from my freshly laundered clothing. I put it on, got my makeup on, and rushed off to work. Later that morning I was walking out of the bathroom when I glimpsed in the mirror….there was a BRIGHT ORANGE spot on my shirt. The last time I wore it I spilled spaghetti on it and forgot to use a stain remover!!! The wash didn’t get it out, and here I was with a bright orange spot on my shirt at 9am.

    I don’t think anyone saw, but for the rest of the day I had to wear my jacket at an odd angle. With my luck, I had chosen my one jacket that doesn’t close and the stain was right in the center of my shirt. Needless to say, I stayed sitting at my desk for most of that day, lol.

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