Frugal Horoscope!

Ahahahah I just had to share this with you! This is my horoscope for today, and it is so fitting for me and my personal finance blogging:

May 12th for Ginger

Being more frugal will help you save money for a luxury item you’ve always wanted. Cut back on impulse purchases like magazines. Put pocket change into a piggy bank. The savings will add up.

Taking a practical approach isn’t always the best way to make money. You may want to take a small gamble for a change. Try not to argue with someone whose values are different from yours.

Your economic situation is starting to look up, although it may not seem that way on the surface. The difference is that you’ve assumed a more positive attitude about your prospects. Bravo.

Man, I hope I get some money coming my way. Since our salaries were frozen this year I am hurting! However I just found out that we get an extra-long weekend; we’re getting Friday off this week as well! Nice!

Oh yeah, I’m a Capricorn in case you were interested.

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4 responses to “Frugal Horoscope!”

  1. Haha I agree with Miss M ^^. They are definitely telling people what they want to hear. But that would be pretty sweet if you did get some extra cash!

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