Tuesday Secrets

I like to be the one to end a conversation because it makes me feel empowered.

When I was younger I was starved for attention from anyone, and never wanted to hang up the phone or close the IM window; I wanted to keep interacting with that person because I was so lonely. I was always the one left hanging, as the other bid adieu to go and do other things. I felt pathetic.

Now I try to be the one to “have to go” first. It means I’m busy and have things to do and people to see rather than nothing to do but sit around alone all day.

I’m so glad I can do this now.

What secret will you share with me today?

Check this out! I made an anonymous form so you can submit your own Secret to be posted! C’mon, we know you’re dying to share it with us! You’ll feel liberated!

One response to “Tuesday Secrets”

  1. That was totally me when I was young! I always wanted to hang up first, yet I never managed to.

    Now I don’t give a damn, and hardly ever use the phone anyway! If I do it’s usually not for leisure (exception being convos with BF).

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