Have you tried Greens+?

I was checking out my Google Reader today per usual and noticed an article FB posted that was originally here.

It’s about the Greens+ line of supplement-type stuff.

I’ve seen this brand around for a long time and have heard good things about it, but have never actually tried anything from it. (Well, I tried their omega3 pills, but not the actual Greens stuff)

All the products sound pretty good, I think if I were to try something I would probably do either the original Greens+ or their detox and healthy skin variants.

What I really want to know is

  • How do they taste?
  • What is the best way to take the mix, in juice or what? (I’d be taking them at work, so no blender, etc.)
  • What would be the best flavour to get?
  • Can you really tell that you’re drinking weird shit? (I once tried a seaweed detox and couldn’t handle the taste/texture)
  • Does taking Greens+ really work? Do you feel better?
  • Is it worth whatever god-awful price I’m sure they’re charging for it?

I realize that taking something like this is not going to work miracles, but I’m hoping for more energy, better digestion and a better sense of well-being.

I think it might be a good way to start things up–now that I’ve got my skin relatively under control I want to focus on my health/body/weight and see what improvements I can make in that area. This would just be a baby step.

It would really help me if I could hear what people think of this product–usually I am the one doing the reviews but this time I am an observer! I would really appreciate it if you folks would tweet about this or something to help me get lots of people to weigh in!

Thanks in advance!

5 responses to “Have you tried Greens+?”

  1. OH OH! I Bought these before!!

    It mixes into your drinks, turns it green (it's like a green powder), and tastes (as I recall) powdery and not that bad. Not like veggies or seaweed but something sweeter..? It adds a kind of texture to your drink, to be honest.

    I mixed it into honey green tea and it worked for the best.

    You can definitely taste it, but it's not awful.

    I think in a blender you might get a better result.

    As for the flavour to try.. I was old school back then and they didn't have flavours. I just took whatever there was.

    I personally didn't mind it, but you could see the green slime dropping down the glass after you're done.

    If only you could taste test it..

    P.S. I bought the Green+ Daily Glow Gala was talking about

    Am hunting down the Perfect Skin one too… Maybe in pill form it'd be better to swallow?

  2. How did you like the o3megas? (Just like everyone) after Gala's post, I went over to Shopper's to check it out and they've got a whole range of magic pills. Let me know how you like the greens. I'm never sure if I should do them or not (plus, I'm poor).

    And FB, I'd love to hear your review of the magic pills when you're done with the bottle!

  3. I emailed this to FB in response but it can go here too:

    You should try the soft chews for skin… I won some from either beautyeditor.com or beautygeeks.com (can't remember!)

    I'm going to start them once I'm done accutane to see if they really help. I tried one…not very tasty at all, but perhaps a better alternative than weird drinks or popping a hanful of pills everyday?

    How does your Greens+ Daily Glow taste? I would probably mix mine with orange juice or something similar?

    Jaka: The omega 3's were fine, just like any other pill. Mostly made up of fish oils, apparently I purchased o3mega+ fit variant. The thing with fish oils (which ARE omega 3's) is that you should take the pills frequently throughout the day for best results. You could take any brand, they're all pretty much the same. These ones had less fishy aftertaste so that was a bonus.

    My personal trainer said they're good for lubricating the joints, and also help speed up your metabolism among other things.

  4. I'm using the healthy skin pill formula after a nasty breakout. My skin was going absolutely haywire! It's day 3 and all but one zit is left. The texture of my skin has drastically improved already. I highly recommend it. The only downside is 4 pills per day (with food) and I'll have to buy more. It's not cheap but at least I've got optimum points. I highly recommend it. 🙂

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