Another one bites the dust

And by bites the dust, I mean another gal I know got married.

There’s been a huge spate of marriages and random child-birthings I’ve heard or seen about via Facebook. None are people I was particularly close to but ones I knew well enough to have on FB on the first place.

On one hand I am really happy for them all. Finding your partner for life or welcoming a new baby is truly wonderful.

But it makes me feel pretty sad. I can’t even get a date when all these people I know not only have boyfriends and girlfriends, but are also getting married, and sometimes even having kids.

It seems like every day there is a new “name” on my FB page. I have no idea who they are until I see that it’s an old friend or acquaintance who got married & took her husband’s name.

I just don’t understand why I can’t even get asked out on a date, when at this age everyone is getting married and popping out babies. It’s not like I don’t want to find a boyfriend, or that I’m overly involved in my career.

My life goals include finding my mate, running my own business and having kids. All of which is totally possible to do.

I’m just feeling really down right now. It’s a bittersweet feeling when you find out your friends have everything that you want, and you have no idea if or when it’s going to happen for you.

I feel like I’m the last one to be picked for dodgeball teams all over again. Except that this time it actually matters.


9 responses to “Another one bites the dust”

  1. *hugs*

    I did a tally with a girlfriend this weekend of all the weddings coming up. And oy.

    For what it’s worth, I like to think you’re the smart&lucky gal who will meet the right guy when he comes ’round and not waste your time with the losers in between. Another girlfriend DOES do that, I think she’s passed on all the possible good guys because she was always dating some jerk who treated her like crap just so she wouldn’t be alone for that short period of time, and it’s really sad to see.
    .-= Revanche´s last blog ..Please vote! =-.

  2. I wish I had something awesome and awe-inspiring and heartwarming to say, dollface. I think you’re putting too much weight on having a partner, but I know how shitty the simple lonliness can be. The best thing I can say is to be happy and whole-within-yourself.


  3. I’m already set with a BF.. and on that “path” as you call it, but I totally agree.

    Everyone around me is getting hitched, changing their names, popping out babies.. I feel like I’m behind too!

    Still, it will happen for you. Just.. gotta be patient. *HUG*

  4. It seems like it’s never going to happen. But it will. Unfortunately, it’s still a crappy feeling when everyone you know is hooking up and going out on dates. I’ve been there and just got lucky when I met my now hubby. Focus on self-improvement and doing things that make *you* happy and content.

    Also, you can’t meet boyfriends in your home. Get out there! Meet people! Volunteer! Take classes! Whatever! It’ll be scary, I’m not gonna lie, but you gotta put yourself out there where you can be found.
    .-= michelle´s last blog ..SAD =-.

  5. I know what you mean! Although I have my future husband, it sucks when people who have been together for less time than we have (we’ve been together SIX years!) are married with kids. While I don’t want kids for a zillion years, I’ve been ready for marriage for eons! Boyfriend wants to get married… in a few years. I’m not going to pressure him, or give him an ultimatum (I hate people who do that). I know it will happen… but It makes me so angry when we get wedding invites addressed to “name” “and guest”. Argh. It’s like people don’t take us seriously as a couple despite the fact that we’ve been together 3 times as long as they have. Frustrating. I feel like my life is just in a standstill right now.

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