Too Much!

I just realized that I am going to have to spend a small fortune this season.

Not only are there xmas presents to buy (or buy materials for) but I’ve also got a bunch of birthdays coming up as well! Ugh!

Overall I’m not spending huge amounts (like those people who drop hundreds on their families, and buy $75 gifts for their friends) but I think I’m still going to feel the squeeze.

I am making most of my gifts for friends (especially since we are not having a formal gift exchange or anything so I don’t want to feel bad when I don’t get anything in return) but the costs are still adding up. Just to buy the ingredients to make my goodies, plus the packaging and most of all my time and effort! That’s a lot! I wonder if I am going overboard?

It seems to me it would almost be easier to just buy them something!

Maybe I’m just being a miser. I just hate getting burned at xmas, always the one that gives but never receives. Same for birthdays.

I don’t know what the point of this post was, really. Just bitching and complaining about money again I guess! I thought I was doing well in the finance area finally, and then this season hits!

Bah Humbug!

3 responses to “Too Much!”

  1. It's always easier to buy a gift than to make it.

    I mean, it's why I think BF is so much more thoughtful to make food for me rather than buy me a meal.

    I think your presents will be well received and loved. 🙂

  2. For packaging, why not just get some of those cellophane type bags (20 bags for $1 at the dollar store), and some ribbon to tie the bag nice and pretty?

    Also, one thing I like to do is prepare all of my cookie dough in advance, shape it (whether shaping is a log or balls, etc) and then put it on the cookie tray in the freezer. Once they're frozen, stick each type of cookie into a freezer bag, label it, and add the directions for baking (i.e. 375 degrees, 9-11 min). It doesn't actually reduce any of the time required for preparing things, but it does let you make a recipe when you have time, then bake as needed, instead of trying to cram it all in at once. Also, this allows you to bake up a few different types for give-aways.

    I hope that helps a little 🙂 It does get to be a lot of work, but if you have someone who likes baking that could help you out, it would make things go quicker, and give you "hang-out" time too!

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