What would you do with an extra $200?

That’s a question I’ve been asking myself today. As I mentioned yesterday, I spent the evening at a focus group about mobile technology and walked away with two crisp $100 bills in my hands.

And I’m not sure what to do with it.


Well, that’s what I started writing yesterday before I got tied up in something else. When I got home I was going over my budget trackers and decided to add up the costs for all the recent gifts I’ve had to buy for one reason or another. After I wrote the intro above I actually went to the bank and deposited the $200 into my account—keeping that much cash on my person was giving me the heebie jeebies and I wanted it in a safe place.

After tallying up the costs of the holidays so far, I realized that this $200 I made didn’t even cover it all, so I definitely need to use it towards Christmas this year.

Anyway, that thought kind of depresses me (using it for such a boring purpose) so I thought I’d share some of the other ideas I had been thinking of spending it on before I decided to deposit it.

What did I consider doing with $200 cash?

  • Saving it in my emergency fund (which is not totally full yet)
  • Buying a new winter coat (I have one but it’s pretty raggedy)
  • Getting a hair cut (my hair is also getting raggedy)
  • Walking around the mall or Queen St. West with it burning a hole in my pocket—what can I buy that is pretty and fun?
  • Buying some new pots and pans—again with the raggedy issue. Had to throw out a Teflon one recently because the coating was lifting off
  • Using the money towards French classes to refresh myself with a language I love
  • Using it towards more silversmithing studio time, or to take other crafty classes on glassblowing or pottery/ceramics

    Or my favourite idea:

  • Putting all $200 in cash in my emergency kit (in case of nuclear winter, zombie apocalypse, etc.) with my bottled water, candles & matches and dyno-powered emergency radio (What? It could happen! Always better to be prepared! This has been an ongoing project for some years, so I don’t have everything together yet!)

Which leads me to wonder—what would YOU do with an extra $200, besides paying off your debt?

8 responses to “WWGD?”

  1. I'm boring. I'd put it in my savings for one of my vacations. But if I HAD to spend it now on a physical item, I'd buy myself a few seasons of Grey's Anatomy, the new Mario Wii game and a sushi buffet dinner. 🙂

  2. ((Dammit. I'm so used to hitting TAB and ENTER for comments that mine got eaten, and I didn't think to copypaste it. Crap.))

    Just a note: Money probably won't be much use in any sort of apocolypse, so I would suggest investing in a cricket bat, solar-powered lanterns, and wire cutters.

    Personally, I have trouble thinking of any money (even Christmas or birthday money) as "extra" since our financial situation isn't terribly great. I've been in hoarding mode for a while now, even though it doesn't seem to be getting out debt paid off any quicker. But, if I had that $200 and couldn't spend it on bills/debt, I'd head straight to H&M. I haven't bought anything for myself (that didn't come from a not-so-great thrift store) in about a year, and they've got some great, simple pieces that I'd like to have.

  3. I agree with Jaka….I don't think Zombies would appreciate cash as much as we do.

    What would I do? Probably exactly what you did….make grand and exciting plans for it, then get cranky when I realize I need it to cover something not as glamorous. lol.

  4. $200 dollars int he emergency kit was the most intriguing thing I've heard. Though I'm not exactly on the same line of thinking as Jaka or QL girl – I think perhaps this money would go a long way to helping you find gas to continue to move your mode of transportation to a safe location, I don't think this would be my first thought.

    Having said that, a less dire situation, like the power going out for 4 days again similar to the Black out of 2005, this would help since you won't be able to liquidate your assets at the ATM or the bank. So in the respect, I think this emergency kit money is a very intriguing idea!

    With Christmas coming though, perhaps you could split the money and treat yourself at the salon so you are ready to look your absolute most fabulous! but that is just me. I really like your first three ideas, if I had to choose. Walking around with it burning a hole in my pocket and the specific intent to spend it often results in you finding something that you really only purchased to spend the money. Why not save it for a day in the future when you do find something that you absolutely HAVE to have? Then you have it sitting there and you can feel good about not using your budgeted money or savings for the item.

    Just a thought – it is your money and you will do with it what you feel is best. (I do really like your emergency kit idea though!)

  5. Re: Zombie comments!

    AHAHAH I know it wouldn't be good for the zombies, but the idea was to have ready cash in hand if something happened to the city. I wouldn't be able to get money from the banks or machines, like Finding My Way mentioned.

    I would use the money to buy provisions, weapons, bribe people, etc. until the world went to shit and money didn't mean anything anymore… only survival. Dun dun DUN!!!! (I live in a zombie movie world!).

    THAT is my reasoning behind keeping some cash in my emergency kit. My kit isn't totally formed yet, either. I don't have food packed away, a utility knife, space blanket, etc. for it yet. There is lots of work to be done. It's a bit of a hobby my dad and I share, so when we find a cool survival item we tell each other about it. Last year I asked for a solar & dyno powered radio for xmas 😉

    Hmm, maybe I'll write a post about it. I was both a Girl Guide and a Boy Scout (don't ask!) growing up, so our family's motto naturally was "be prepared". So we try to do that! It's definitely made the difference a few times in my life.

    So right now the money is sitting in my savings account… but I AM tempted to get a hair cut with it. I'm doing a review of a spa in Toronto soon (they sent me a gift certificate!) so if I get my hair cut afterward I'll be all glowy and beautiful! 😉

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