21-Day Challenge

OK, I have another confession to make.

It’s about the Genuine Health 21-Day pH Challenge.

I haven’t started it yet. I was supposed to start it at the beginning of the month, and look, it’s the 25th already! For shame!

I feel even worse about it because

1)      The Genuine Health people are awesome (Aurea, show this to your boss!) and very knowledgeable and helpful and I feel like I’ve let them down.

2)      I REALLY need to do this.

On the special pH section of the website (here) you can take a quiz to see if you’re too acidic, and there’s information on what excess acidity will do to your body. Well let me tell you, I am in a bad way right now. My skin is retarded, my digestion has just been shot for the past week or so (possible stomach bug but I think it has more to do with my poor food choices lately) and my energy is down which means that my vitamin levels are likely out of whack.

If there was ever a good candidate for balancing their pH, it would be me!

I like the GH products, like their Healthy Skin Chews (I eat them at my desk) and their  Greens+ Instant Smoothie. When I take them properly, I can really see the results. I feel better, I have more energy, my skin glows, I can focus better at work and even my mood improves!

I just have to make sure to take them. They don’t even taste that bad… but I just can’t seem to work them into my daily routine. I guess that is more a reflection on my routine than on the products themselves.

This month I wanted to try and establish a routine, but it seems my life is not conforming to my wishes right now! Late nights, crazy schedule, new and exacting demands. I have a lot going on right now. But if I don’t take care of my health then I will experience burnout soon. Which is why I really want to start my pH challenge, and why I am putting this up for the world to see so you can push me and remind me to do this!

Health is an important thing. If you don’t have your health, nothing else in life is worth it. I’ve just passed my quarter-century and have been making changes in my life. I think this is the year I need to focus more on health. Healthy body, healthy mind.

If you would like to join me in the 21-Day Challenge (along with your 30 Day Shred challenge! LOL) you can find out more information on the Genuine Health website, or their Facebook page. I like the Facebook page for the discussions and tips that are on it!

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