7 Days

Forgive me readers, for I have sinned. It has been 7 days since my last confession update.

You know, I thought January was going to be a really boring month. It usually is. No one has money, the weather stinks and people just want to hibernate.

I came into this month all ready to go with some new personal projects of mine (21-day pH challenge, going to the gym more, reading some of my many books) and I haven’t done a darn thing yet!

This month has really surprised me! Between the Mr. Darcy drama, increased responsibilities at work (yay!) my big-ass birthday and more, I’m having difficulty just trying to find the time to do my hair! Sheesh!

I wonder if February will be the same? I feel like it’s creeping up so quickly!

So I just wanted to let everyone know what’s up with me these days. I will definitely have more in the coming weeks because I DO plan on doing the pH challenge (Genuine Health is running it and it sounds really interesting to me! Check it out!) and I have a few other product reviews or mentions to get through.

Oh… and I’m seeing Mr. Darcy tomorrow night. What will happen? No one knows! He may be a total jerk outside of work and “only” have an hour for me… or it could turn out that he’s totally awesome and is willing to dump his gf for me (not likely). OR the most likely option is that he’s just cool and wants to be friends.

I feel like my life is a bizarre soap opera, so stay tuned, fine viewers and see what drama unfolds!

Oh, in an effort to get some reader involvement, is there anything you guys would like me to write about? I’ve got some ideas bumping around in my head but they need a bit more form. They’re more my thoughts about certain topics, maybe a little personal stuff. *shrugs* It’s easier to write if you have a topic in mind, so…. suggestions?

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