
He has a girlfriend.

This has not yet processed in my brain. I don’t know what to think or feel.

I think I may cry later.

How could this happen??????

13 responses to “Disaster”

  1. I'm so sorry ๐Ÿ™

    Go ahead and cry if you need to!

    Not much comfort at the moment, but at least you never have to wonder 'what if' now. You were so brave!

  2. awwwh. I'm sorry to hear that Ginger.

    Mr. Darcy REALLY is not clear on his signals though then! Nothing seemed to indicate that he was dating.

    But at least now you know… Like others have mentioned… You won't be wondering later what if. You were brave. You took a risk. Be proud of that.

  3. Thanks everyone, for your comments and support. I never could have imagined there were so many wonderful people out there on the interwebs…

    I do feel some of the stress has lifted; I am glad that at least I know now.

    But I'm still so puzzled by it all. Everyone I spoke to about this (seriously I have like, 25 opinions on this!) all seemed to think that he was into me. Even my male friend thought it was a sure thing.

    And here he's had a girlfriend the whole time. I mean, what is up with that!?

    I guess I'll still go ahead with the coffee since I've made the invitation already. I just hope I can handle it and get something positive out of it. I still really like the guy…I just don't like these mixed signals and the fact he's not single.

    And yes, I cried an ugly cry. You know the type.

  4. Wow, I did not see that one coming. ;(
    The interest is there. Though this does explain why he wasn't (physically!) jumping all over you.
    I know I would not be a happy girl if my (theoretical) boyfriend was enjoying another lady's company as much as Mr. Darcy enjoys yours – even if physically platonic. (Definite fuzzy borders!)

  5. ugh!!! i'm sorry for your situation…i've been there and almost everyone has!! Stay postive and know you are NOT a failure!! ๐Ÿ˜€ <hugs>

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