Social Media Fan for Hire!

To all those fantastic PR, social media & interactive agencies, and the companies that handle their own promotion, this message is for YOU!

We’ve been working together for some time now, and it’s been great. You send me products and services to try, and I use my power as an influencer and write about the products on the blog, or I talk about them in real life. It’s cool because people actually listen to me and lots of people in my network are now either using or considering your brands. It’s not easy to measure, but I promise you it is happening!

I’ve been blogging for over 2 years now and have unintentionally built a successful online brand for myself, which is only getting better as my audience and influence in the blogosphere grows. (Imagine how cool the brand would be if I actually put effort into it!)

But did you know that I build brands in real life, too? I’ve got over 4 years of experience in the advertising/media/communications industry, and a solid post-secondary education in it, to boot! I have worked client side (briefly), as a broadcast buyer and am now in communications/media planning.

I am so in love with social media and the whole brand + influencer dealy-o that I want to become even more involved. Blogging has been a pretty positive experience for me, and I love looking at it from “the Other side” as a marketer. It is so cool to be working on campaigns at my day job and be able to incorporate some of my insight on connecting with influencers, because I am one.

I mean, seriously. Who better to build a social media/influencer outreach strategy than a blogger who already knows the ins & outs of the system, the proper “netiquitte” and who has a solid communications strategy background?

Ok, so I’ll cut to the chase.

I’m looking for a new career.

Can you help a girl out?

I’m just starting the exploratory stages of this job search now. I want to be in social media (or something similar) putting my skills, experience and passion to work. I don’t really know what kind of position I am looking for yet, but I’m confident that there is a place out there for someone with my unique talents and combination of blogging and traditional marketing experience. Hell, I’ll be a spokesperson for something if it’s a good fit!

Is your company hiring? Could you find a place for me? Do you know anywhere else that might appreciate someone like me?

Even if you could provide me with a few pointers, guidance or even some good links for reference, I would greatly appreciate it!

If you’re interested in learning more about me in a professional capacity I would be happy to provide my resume and toot my own horn for you (serious inquiries only, please!).

Of course I am pursuing this the traditional way, but I figured that since I’m trying to get into social media, I may as well use it to help me find a job, right?

Even though I’m gunning for social media/PR, I’m looking for pretty much anything that would suit my talents and that pays well. *holds imaginary cellphone to ear* Call me!

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