Talk to my agent…

So there’s been a bit of interesting stuff going on in the Gingersphere lately.

I was interviewed by the New York Times for …something (not allowed to say yet). They may or may not publish it, but it would be cool if they did! The NYT! Cool!

I also might be on a Food Network TV show. I think I’ve talked about this before. My bff and I applied to be on Dinner Party Wars. We’ve done our audition and everything and now we wait to see if they want to use us. It’d be kind of dumb if they don’t, we’d make excellent TV.

I’m also plugging away at my business idea. Thanks to everyone that filled out the survey, it really helped. I especially loved the comments at the end! They were sweet, helpful and sometimes challenged my thinking, which was great.

I used the anonymous data to help me in my pitch to the TBDC. I’ll find out sometime next week if they’re recommending me to the ministry. After that the ministry has 3 more weeks to decide if they want me in the program…. *sigh* there is just SO MUCH WAITING!

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to find more things to do. I’ve been cleaning a lot and doing the whole Martha Stewart thing around the house. But after a while it gets boring cooking and cleaning for no one but yourself and your piggy cat. I’m trying to conserve money so I haven’t signed up for many cool classes or workshops that I would like to do. It’s a bit of a Catch 22 isn’t it? When I was working I had no time to do anything fun. Now that I’m not working I have the time, but no money to do those same things!

I hope that once I find out about this business program I’ll have a little more direction in my life. If I get in I’ll be nice and busy going to the classes and getting sh*t done. If I don’t get into the program then I will be doing the same thing anyway, figuring out how to start up the business, refine my idea and see if there are other programs to help me. It’s just the waiting that is really killing me. I want a reason to get up in the mornings so I can get back to a routine. I do well with a little bit of routine in my life. It’s hard for me to just drift like this.

Anyway, that’s the big stuff going on these days. I’ll try and update soon with something on my weight loss and Slimband… I’ve been getting some requests in for more info. Let me know if there’s anything you want to hear more about!

2 responses to “Talk to my agent…”

  1. I can't wait to find out what NYT was about! If they don't publish it, are you still allowed to tell us?

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